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The main costs at university will be tuition fees, accomodation, food, books, clothes and, last but not least, entertainment. On average it will cost you £7.500 to £10.000 to live as an undergraduate at Edinburgh. If applicable you will be required to prove that you have sufficient funds to cover the full cost of your programme of study, in order ot get a visa or entry certificate.

If you are a Scotland domiciled, full-time, first degree student, you may be eligible for your tuition fees to be covered by the Scottish government. In order to qualify for these fees, you have to complete an online application by the required deadline with the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS). Repayments will start in the April of the year after your course has finished but only if your income is above a certain amount, which will be linked to inflation.

The other citizen of the United Kingdom can apply to Student Finance England, Wales or Northern Ireland as appropriate for a tuition fee loan. Besides student loans are the main source of support towards living costs. The amount of money the student will receive is dependent on household income. In contrast to the Scottish repayment regulation, the repayments are based on student’s income, not on the amount borrowed.

2017-2018 entry EU students will be admitted as Scottish/EU fee status students, thus they are eligible for tuition fee support from the SAAS. As a result of the Brexit the future fee status is still uncertain. As long as the University of Edinburgh is able to protect the fee status of 2017-2018 EU entrants for the duration of their course. Supposing the EU entrants become subject to international tuition fees, the University of Edinburgh aims to work with Government to ameliorate the impact of that change for individual students. 


The University of Edinburgh


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